The harry amblings of a large land mammal.
A commentary about nothing in general and the best way to get about it. ,or what do bears really do in the woods?
In a 7-2 decision, the justices declared that a federal law allowing federal prisoners deemed "sexually dangerous" to be held even after they have served out their original sentences is constitutional.
The Court said Congress does have the power to keep such dangerous offenders out of society indefinitely.
Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, arguing that Congress went too far, and nothing in the Constitution permits this kind of extended confinement.
Did the Supreme Court get it right? Or is this just another expansion of federal power?
Since September 2001, I can't believe the actions of our government. This is not the land of the FREE anymore, it's the land of the locked up. What are we doing people? Look who we are becoming! If we allow the government to lock up American Citizens and throw away the key even after they have completed their sentence we are in trouble. More and more laws on written every day. Not affected yet? You will be. Big Brother is growing stronger. Before 1980, the prison population in the United States basically stayed at around only 250,000 people a year. Since that time, the number of incarcerated Americans has risen to over 2.5 MILLION people. That is 1 out of every 33 Citizens!! Revolution is coming. I hear Paul Revere!!
I know Ill get a lot of flack for this post,but this is a civil rights issue.
Im not saying that sex offenders shouldn't have to pay for crimes committed.Im saying that sex offenders should have the right not to be mistreated and abused
at the hands of the state.
They start with the Sex offenders and soon were all on a list..That how the holocaust started. With the List.
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