OCTA is currently in the petition stage and does not have enough signatures at the time to make the ballot. As of July 27, 2011 the measure has obtained 30,139 signatures. However, hope is not lost, as the measure just needs to reach the required amount of authenticated signatures (125,000) by July 2nd of 2012.
This means that if you're a marijuana user and a resident of Oregon it's pretty much your civic duty to sign that petition. You may reach the organization funding the measure at www.cannabistaxact.org.
If passed, OCTA will enable adults to legally purchase marijuana from state-licensed stores, such as liquor stores. It will also create many more jobs, by enabling farmers to grow cannabis for these state stores. Adult residents will be able to grow a reasonable personal amount of weed. Additionally, the act will allow farmers to grow hemp for material, food and fuel, and will also raise an estimate $120 million annually in taxes from selling marijuana. Furthermore, the state will save an estimated $61.5 million by not having to prosecute harmless cannabis "offenders."
If you want to find out more about ways you can help legalize marijuana in both your own state as well as Oregon, please visit the following webistes:
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