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Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The Diferance Between Conservitives and Liberals

The Conservitive expects the wost of humanity and acts to control them.

The Liberal Expects the Best of Humanity and acts to encorage them.

Wandering Bear

Happy 4:20

Light em up. Smoke em if you got em.

One of the most rediculus wars being fought by the Conservitives is the War On Drugs.
A war that has raped the American people of the right to privacy. 30 years ago it would have been considered as unthinkable for a cop to be able to pull you over and make you piss in a cup in public just because that cop thinks he smells weed.
10 years ago random search and sezure of your person and property was considered unconstitutional.
The biggest problem with this War on drugs is the cost. To keep one pothead in jail for just one day costs and average of $250 dollars a day.
Now this money dosnt just magiclly appear. No it come out of the tax payers pocket.. Your pocket.. Yes there have been programs to try and have the offender pay for it. The problem with that is most people who are comeing out of jail have nothing.
Nor any way of getting anything. Just being in jail makes your ability to get a job far less likely.
So in order to continue liveing the casual drug user must turn to crime. And this is no help at all. It only makes matters worse.
So the end result of the War On Drugs is America's youth imprisioned for smokeing a little pot.
This despite what oppion you might have about drug users is a Major Human Rights violation..
Why?? Because in order to win the War On Drugs.. They must remove Civil Liberties Freedom and the Rights of Privacy of every American citizen.
Its time to end this Farce and find a new way to deal with addition.. THis way is not working.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Of Love and Spirit..

Love .. The world crys for love and has none for itself. In this world of science and technology and science we have all but proven that the Spirit is no more then the fantasies of Primitives, Or have we?
Most of the world despite the scientific evedence offered by those who disbeleve in the metaphysical still beleave in these myths.
But what does science realy say our uninverse consists of. E=MC2.
ENERGY. Projections of light. So if infact we are no more solid then projctions of light ourselves what does it all really matter? In the end we will continue because Light can not be distroyed. And tomarrow is another day of light.

Bush's war on the world

Now Im not the least bit fooled by that Fool Bush.
I know that he and his couldnt give a damm about the Iraqi people..
But all that cude oil must be saveed in the name of National Security, and just for safe keeping it needs to be placed in the Bush family Trust.

Come on.. People cant be this stupid can they?? To belave that this war is for their benifit.
Ya Sure Saddam was a bad man and hurt his people. But thats not the reason given for this war.
Saddam was far from being another Hittler. He had no POPULAR movement behind him..(Untill the U.S. attacked him) He had no WMDs, and He had no plan to attack the U.S. And the bigest bush lie about Saddam was that he was in league with the terrorist organization Al Quada when its obviouse that they had no ties.
And now Bush has got us into another Veit Nam. Attacking the civilian population of Iraq and killing its religous leaders.. There is no good reason for this.. It makes me ashamed to be an American.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Wandering Bear

Now this is one of the more intresting things.. It seems that HBO has herd of me and decided to use me as a Character in one of their TV shows. Go figgure.
Well they could have at least told me about it. Oh well. What come around go's around.
Well. Welcome to the continued ramblings of Wandring Bear.
Im not sure how many fans Ive got. Probably not many but I might as well contine
with my diatribe against the injustiices of a world gone horably wrong some how.
For those of you just tuneing in you can find the original at
Wandring Bear Issue #1

So lets on with it.