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Friday, October 30, 2015


We all think that the world we live on is stable and solid.
  Well the world we live on is screaming across the universe at a million miles per hour.
What we see as reality is in fact not really there. In fact  it's all just an illusion called
A holographic energy matrix, that is projected from within the smallest particle by a string of energy that vibrates to produce the illusion of matter.

Monday, October 05, 2015


If perfection is what you look for in other people you will always be disappointed. There is no such thing as a perfect person. There can't be. There is no such thing as perfect. We live in a universe based in chaos. Order is against the nature of the universe,and only exsist in the small minds of some Humans.
  Right and wrong are also a Human illusion. No other living species on earth practices such an idea. If extraterrestrials were real .They would all be laughing at such an idea.
  But on the other hand nature has a form symmetry that runs through every thing inside it. The first law of the universe is that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That includes human behavior.  So before you go thinking that you can do anything you want,remember the first law of physics.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Tried bud

The problem with timing the buds is that all the thc crystals fall off during the prosess makes the bud less potent. And losing a lot of thc to the floor.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Every one should have the right to exspress their own individuality with out being bullied harassed and discriminated against.

dont worry be happy

Dont wory about those who hate you. They only do so because they are afraid. Smile to know that you have that power.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Good and Evil

Good and Evil exsist only in the human mind. It has no exsistance in all of natue except as an idea in the human mind. When people realise this there minds are free,but those whos minds are not free will try to enslave you again.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Between exstacy and agony. Sometimes in the push and shove of mondern life.You forget which is which.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Church vs. Equal rights

Religious freedom does not include the right to discriminate hate or harm others because the do not beleave.